
Completion and Evaluation

Page history last edited by Manon van Herwijnen 7 years, 8 months ago




 Completion & Evaluation


May 08 - June 02 /  2017





On Monday morning May 8 the final phase starts.
Until Friday June 2 there's time for each student to work on an individual letter.


We are all curious about your letter and your 'eye-openers'.


Please follow the instructions for this peerScholar assignment. 





In these last weeks of the Learning Circles we like to receive your feedback

and learn how you experienced working together in this 'global classroom’.


What went really well and how can we grow stronger?

Your tips and tops are helpful to improve our Learning Circles

and make the next even more successful.





1. Completion 
    Individual assignment - A letter to the jury of GTP:



On November 20th 2014 the World celebrated the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Almost all countries (196) have ratified this international treaty that recognizes the human rights of children everywhere.


By taking part in the Learning Circle you have created and seen a lot of information about the present 54 children's rights and how the world is dealing with it. In the past months you probably found out that 'we' still don't meet up to the rights of children. Many children are victims of failure to fulfill a promise.

Maybe it helps if we think together, if we design a different plan, with a different approach.

It's time for ideas that no one considered!


In collaboration with UNICEF we as GTP have launched a 'writing contest' that allows you as LC-participants to speak out and raise your voice.

We ask you to write a paper (about 500 words) to the jury of GTP


---> Please go to this page for instructions about the peerScholar assignment.




2. Evaluation:


We like to receive your feedback and learn how you experienced working together in this 'global classroom’.



Please post your letter to the jury of GTP and your evaluation on your school page.


Good luck and thank you!







Now we’re at the end of this journey.

But you will continue



and listening to

each other's stories


the rights of all children.



They are seen and heard,

far beyond this Learning Circle!




To your school page: Click on the name!






School / teacher(s)


1. Agrani School and College / Mr.Proshanta Kumer Sarker & Ms.Sangita Biswas


2. Lawrence Heights Middle School / Ms.Kumud Bhatnagar

The Netherlands

3. Liemers College Landeweer / Ms.Gerrie Pols & Ms. Nicole Koenders


4. Pierre Elliott Trudeau High School / Ms.Kathryn Keystone

 The Netherlands

5. SG de Meergronden- HV2U / Mr.Jorrit Turksma


6. Anton Residaschool / Ms.Anuschka Moella-Baktawar

 South Africa

7. Oprah Winfrey LAG / Mr.Thomas Tervit





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