

Page history last edited by Manon van Herwijnen 7 years, 7 months ago





Welcome to the


Learning Circle

 Children's Rights


 Wiki LC 4













About this Learning Circle 


Welcome to the Learning Circle! In this worldwide classroom, we will discover together that children have rights that should apply everywhere in the world.

The right to a safe and loving home, where you can go to a good school, the right to live in a safe community where there is freedom to follow your dreams and much more... to be able to have a good and happy life.

In 1989, the United Nations set up The Convention on the Rights of the Child. During this convention, 195 countries made the agreement that children's rights should apply whenever and wherever, but this isn't as simple as it might seem. 
Luckily, more and more people find it important to fight for the rights of children. You can do that too, by raising awareness and showing that every child deserves a good future. 


In this Learning Circle, you can share your experiences, stories and opinions. We invite you all to learn and work together to make the world a better place. 


        (See school page : Lawrence Heights Middle School )



Phase 4 - Completion & Evaluation

May 8 - June 2    2017 

EXTRA MESSAGE about THE LETTERS, Monday July 10:


Remember the individual assignment in peerScholar in the final phase?

It was an invitation to reflect on what you learned during the Circle process and it was also a writing contest.

The result is really amazing:  Wonderful letters, written by students of 3 English Circles, with such powerful personal messages and creative solutions! 


Please take some time to read them carefully. You’ll understand better why we really had trouble to choose just 3, so we selected 2 more winning letters.. ;-)


--->  In this pdf you'll find a selection of 16 remarkable letters to the jury of the GTP!

--->  In this pdf a summary of quotes and eyeopeners 


--->  And in this pdf you'll find the 5 winning letters!!




NEWSLETTER Tuesday June 6 (week 18):


Dear participants,


After a learning adventure of almost 4 months, the Learning Circles Children's Rights have ended for this school year.


In the final phase, wonderful letters have been written to the jury of the Global Teenager Project, with very personal messages and creative solutions.

Please add your evaluations asap, to finish the circles together.

The wikis stay open, so it’s possible to look closely at the contributions of other schools in the next weeks or months.


The next weeks we will:

  • collect all your letters to the jury of GTP, share the 3 winning letters with UNICEF and publish them in the wikis.

  • collect the questions to Mohamed Sidibay (challenge 2). You'll find his answers in this wiki too.

  • make a selection of all your work and invite all readers to look closely at all the beautiful contributions.


The next months: we are preparing the new Learning Circles that will start in February 2018.

  • we will start with an introduction and new assignments in Challenge 1.

  • in Challenge 2 you'll work in a different way, by designing and sharing your own questions for the other schools.

  • the answers can be added on your school page, but will also be shared in close connection with the other students; for example in several Skype meetings.

This adjustment is a result of your wish to encourage cooperation and communication with the other participants.

We'll keep you posted!


Keep up the good work!


Thank you for all your efforts to increase awareness about children’s rights!

On behalf of the LC team,


Bob Hofman,

Manon of Herwijnen 


Link to previous newsletters


How to use this wiki:


  • In the sidebar on the right you can find general information like the timeline and background information
  • Every Monday the newsletter on this home page keeps you updated.
  • In the overview of school pages (below) you can click on the name of the school, to find the school page. 
  • Everyone can see the contributions that your group or class posted on your school page, but only participants that can login, can edit this page.  
  • You can focus on one assignment or more from any challenge and discuss whether to divide your class into groups to work on the various assignments.
  • Please share with us how your group worked together. The learning process is as interesting as the results!
  • Learning outcomesWorking on the challenges you are learning and practicing various skills. You can use this schedule to keep track of what skills are addressed and what it has brought to your class. For more info see also the page 'Learning & practicing skills' in the sidebar.



  • Read how to make a Skype appointment with another group from your Learning Circle on this page


    Feel free to also indicate a time / date that would suit you best :-)



Information / Action

Learning Circle facilitator (questions and support about the learning process during the circle)

Country Coordinator (questions about registration, workshops, in country support)


Project coordinator Global Teenager Project: Bob Hofman 

Adjust your settings
 in order to receive less or more notifications about changes in this wiki!


 Overview Schoolpages 'Learning Circle Children's Rights' 2017 





Challenge 1

Challenge 2




1. Agrani School and College







2. Lawrence Heights Middle School





The Netherlands

3. Liemers College Landeweer






4. Pierre Elliott Trudeau High School






The Netherlands
5. SG de Meergronden- HV2U

6. Anton Residaschool


 South Africa

7. Oprah Winfrey LAG



* A date in the overview means a school posted a contribution for this phase.
  The color of the date indicates if it was placed in time, little bit late, 1 one week late or more.

* A 'X' in the overview means a school dit not place anything in the wiki in this phase. 




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